there's not going to be a 2nd interview with Starbucks! i was, "unfortunately, on this occasion, not successful with the application".. oh well, at least they called to tell me.. more extensive job hunting tomorrow!
anyway, some photos for Dad to see.. he actually asked Sis if there are new entries the other day! and since he doesnt read much English, i shall entertain him with more pictures.. hehez.. and he wont know i'm writing about him now.. wahaha.. unless Sis tells him!

the back of the house..
plenty of space for BBQ..

the back of the house again..
from another angle..

the garage..
no one uses it though..

that's my window from inside the garage..
yup, i face the garage everyday when i'm at my desk..

house-to-be 1 on the left..

house-to-be 2 on the right..
there are construction going on at the back of the house.. they are building 2 more houses on the plot of land at the back..
see? the life of an unemployed.. i can blog about the external parts of the house.. gosh.. someone better offer me a job soon!
love the pictures in your blog! goodluck on your job hunting. ;)
Thank you very much, cherish_jd!
JOWIN!! Your house is HUGE!!! Anyway, keep cool on that job search!!! muack!
i want to go to adelaide!! i want to go to adelaide!! but they are nt rostering me there :(
all ur food pics are making me hungry too..
GOOD LUCK with the job search.. :)
To Cindy:
I wish this house is really mine though.. wahaha!
To joves:
I do hope they'll roster you and Girl here soon! since i'm so "free" at the moment.. haha..
Thanks guys!! for all the well wishes with regards to job hunting! i need it!
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