Thursday, January 1, 2009


HAPPY 2009!!!

I reached home at about 3am last night, or rather this morning.. haha.. took a good shower (yup, that includes shampooing my hair) before jumping into bed at 4am..

i had a good start to 2009 by drinking my favourite coffee at GJ's! Yum! the rest had ice cream while me and Mag slurped on our coffees.. Y had hot chocolate as it was a pretty chilly night..

work finished at 4pm and i came home to chill and got ready before Kenneth came over to pick me up.. he invited me to the BBQ party at his place and it was great fun meeting and talking to Mag, Mo, M & Y! and not to mention all the food that was there! hehez!

at about 10pm, we made our way down to the city.. the cars were parked in the city and the initial plan was to catch the tram down to Glenelg.. however, after one unsuccessful attempt to get on the tram and witnessing all those people who were already drunk.. we decided that it's a wiser choice to take the substitute bus for the tram..

it really turned out to be the wiser choice because J & M, who got on the tram before us, reached Glenelg much later than us! the bus was also not as packed as the tram.. it was 11pm by the time we got there.. we walked down Jetty Road, all the way to where the jetty starts.. it was pretty crowded but not as bad as i have expected.. there was a makeshift concert 'tent' and some band was performing..

when the clock finally strike midnight, the fireworks began.. it was nice though nowhere near magnificent.. but it was enough.. my initial plan was to spend it with my bed and TV and it turned out to be much better than that!

after the fireworks ended and the crowded started to disperse, we went to M's friend's place which is really just next to Jetty Road and crash his party.. though i must say most of us were already quite dead at that point in time.. haha! that's when GJ's came into the picture!

it was a night well spent and i enjoyed myself thoroughly!

Bye 2008!

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