Friday, April 2, 2010


Yes, post no. 2 for 2010.. am i slack or what???

It's difficult to write freely when i am now working.. stuck in an environment for 9 hours out of the 24 hours of a day.. so much and so little can happen in the 9 hours and i cannot really write about it, can i? Nope.

Anyway, it's the Easter Super Long Weekend! Good Friday and Easter Monday are public holidays, plus the weekend and it's 4 days of HAPPINESS!

Yesterday night i received a IKEA wardrobe as a birthday present from Sis and Fish, delivered by Ken and Jeff!!! It was a shock coming out of the shower to see 7 missed calls on my mobile.. apparently Sis has secretly asked Ken and Jeff to run the errand for her, since she is so far away.. well, they arrived at my apartment just as i went into the shower and i didnt hear the phone at all.. that explains the missed calls!

Poor boys were standing in the cold for 20mins and it was a windy night.. when i finally went down, i saw them holding onto the package (taller than them), one on each side, i was dumbfounded.. such great friends! Initially i was thinking of going to IKEA on my own to get the wardrobe, how silly! I just saw how much it weighs just now.. 48kg.. no wonder the boys were struggling last night!

Time really really really flies.. next Friday i have an appointment with a migration agent.. =)

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